Now that I've started this blog, and configured it all to how I want it (for now at least), I don't know what to write.
I'm simply not entirely sure where to start. I want to introduce myself but I also want to keep my level of privacy. I want to get straight to the point but that seems a little blunt. I don't want to be all namby-pamby but at the same time I don't want to start this blog by being overly brutal. That's just not me.
I guess we'll have to go with at least a slightly more direct approach for now at least. Doubtless it won't last, it makes me slightly uncomfortable since it's very "Look at me! Behold my issues!" and people who are like that piss me off something rotten - mental problems are not something to be celebrated.
I was recently - I'll get a more specific timeline later - diagnosed with depression and anxiety. At this point I was already undergoing my second course of treatment for 'low mood, anxiety and low self-esteem'. My depression, at the time of my diagnosis, was so severe I was immediately advised to start taking Citalopram. A week later, the Citalopram - two per day - had made my anxiety so bad that I also had to start taking up to three Propanolol every day, as needed.
I'm going to go into exactly how my therapy sessions and my medication have effected me in due course but for now I think I'm going to go back to writing a little more about what I want to do with this blog.
I've been blogging for over a year now on Wordpress but it's most recent interface change was the last straw - I used to hate the way blogger looked in a similar way to how I'm uncomfortable with the way Wordpress has changed. I also had a number of people following that blog who don't currently know about my mental health situation and I would like to keep it that way until I am completely ready.
I'm not really sure what to do about the rather sizeable number of posts I have over on WP. I kind of want to have everything archived in one place but at the same time I'm not sure if I want to go about importing them all - e.g. is it really relevant? - and that would probably take forever thus I can't really be bothered right now...
I want to have this blog primarily as a 'this is how I'm coping with my conditions' record but I also want to have it as my main blog for my daily life. I want to be able to post here everyday at least once about everything and anything from my medication to my work, my family and my pole dancing!
I hope it works out alright - blogging really does help with the whole depression and anxiety thing. It's nice to get everything off my chest.
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