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Thursday, 28 November 2013
Thursday, 14 November 2013
NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo
Now apparently, according to 20SB (twenty-something bloggers) NaBloPoMo is a thing. It stands for (I believe) National Blog Posting Month. Now I've heard that it's a thing that runs all year round, rather than just for one month a year, like NaNoWriMo.
When I was on WordPress, I posted every day fora year the first six months (ish) of 2011. I'm aiming to do that again but for just a month. Then maybe two months. Then maybe a year. We'll just see how it goes.
I left the WordPress blog for a few reasons. I wanted a fresh start. I wanted a bit of privacy (ironic, I know). I wanted to get rid of a follower troll. I hated the new layout. The list goes on...
I spent a few minutes going back over my WordPress blog when I wrote this post. While it was only two years ago, it feels like a lifetime. I am nothing like who I was in so many ways. I mean, I haven't changed a lot but, especially since starting the meds and getting therapy, I'm just different somehow. Sometimes it's fairly obvious but at others it's sort of intangible.
I guess it's a good thing. Sometimes I feel like I haven't got much of an identity, much of a personality, but I know that that's not really true.
What's a shame though, is everything that I've lost. The friends I've moved on from or the friends who've moved on from me. It's sad but I suppose it's just the way life is. People grow apart. Especially when they're living in different cities, doing different things, hanging out with different people. There's always more that can be done to stop it happening. I could call more, text more, message more. But so could they. I imagine they've been busy. But so have I. It's no one's fault, not really. But it's still sad.
I imagine, with a few of these cases, that everything could be fine if we could just hangout a few times. Unfortunately, that's unlikely to be a thing in the near future. That old lack of money and time to go down the country thing is rearing its head again.
It's time to stop living in the past. It's no good for anyone.
What I meant to post about was my progress with NaNoWriMo but I'm finding that my blogging topics are getting a little hard to control. Much as my novel is getting a little hard to control too...
Thus far, I've managed to keep up with most of the word count. I've fallen behind a little in the last couple of days however. My mind just hasn't been in it. I don't know why really. It's just difficult to focus. I guess it's the only thing I've really had to focus on since my gran died and I'm just struggling with it.
To be honest I'm just struggling generally. Life is fucking hard. It should come with a manual...
In lieu of a manual, I'm going to stick with this blog. And writing. A bit of escapism always helps.
When I was on WordPress, I posted every day for
I left the WordPress blog for a few reasons. I wanted a fresh start. I wanted a bit of privacy (ironic, I know). I wanted to get rid of a follower troll. I hated the new layout. The list goes on...
I spent a few minutes going back over my WordPress blog when I wrote this post. While it was only two years ago, it feels like a lifetime. I am nothing like who I was in so many ways. I mean, I haven't changed a lot but, especially since starting the meds and getting therapy, I'm just different somehow. Sometimes it's fairly obvious but at others it's sort of intangible.
I guess it's a good thing. Sometimes I feel like I haven't got much of an identity, much of a personality, but I know that that's not really true.
What's a shame though, is everything that I've lost. The friends I've moved on from or the friends who've moved on from me. It's sad but I suppose it's just the way life is. People grow apart. Especially when they're living in different cities, doing different things, hanging out with different people. There's always more that can be done to stop it happening. I could call more, text more, message more. But so could they. I imagine they've been busy. But so have I. It's no one's fault, not really. But it's still sad.
I imagine, with a few of these cases, that everything could be fine if we could just hangout a few times. Unfortunately, that's unlikely to be a thing in the near future. That old lack of money and time to go down the country thing is rearing its head again.
It's time to stop living in the past. It's no good for anyone.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - J. K. Rowling.Well that escalated quickly!
What I meant to post about was my progress with NaNoWriMo but I'm finding that my blogging topics are getting a little hard to control. Much as my novel is getting a little hard to control too...
Thus far, I've managed to keep up with most of the word count. I've fallen behind a little in the last couple of days however. My mind just hasn't been in it. I don't know why really. It's just difficult to focus. I guess it's the only thing I've really had to focus on since my gran died and I'm just struggling with it.
To be honest I'm just struggling generally. Life is fucking hard. It should come with a manual...
In lieu of a manual, I'm going to stick with this blog. And writing. A bit of escapism always helps.
Racial Profiling
*Check out this here blog post: it inspired me to write my own take, though sheltered, on the views that are explored in this issue at this time.*
As you may or may not have heard, a young woman was murdered at the beginning of November. Now I know that there are likely many other more pressing news stories and other tragic events and I am, by no means, belittling them. I just simply feel that this news story has a prominent message on our society and the way we think.
Renisha McBride, 19, was shot in the face and killed after a car accident.
What actually occurred here is unclear at the moment. Some reports say that the girl was going door to door asking for help, others say she was trying to get home. Almost all of them point out that she was a black girl in a predominantly white neighbourhood where black people shouldn't be seen after sunset.
That is what I want to talk about.
The shooter claims that he thought that someone was breaking into the house and also that his 12 gauge shotgun 'discharged accidentally'.
Now, setting aside the fact that I find that very hard to believe indeed, I want to talk about the fact that nothing has been done.
The white man that shot Renisha, while he has been spoken to by the police, remains free to go about his life. Surely he should be in custody? Or, at very least, be under house arrest? Or something, anything at all, that isn't just free to go about his day to day, his normal business.
The fact that these towns, districts, counties, exist where people of a certain race, be it black, white, asian, can't be seen after dark for fear of their lives is terrible! It's archaic! It's something that I'd expect to see either in the deep south in the 1930s or in Germany in the 1940s or somewhere in the 3rd World that is ruled by suspicion and superstition. It is most certainly not something that should be happening in America. Or England. Or anywhere for that matter.
I grew up in a fairly rough area. Now 'rough' in England, in the North-East, is starkly different from 'rough' in London, or Libya, or southern America. But all the same, if someone was trying to break into our house, my step-dad had a large stick, sort of like a baseball bat in size, shape and weight, and I know that, on more than one occasion, he has chased someone down the street with it. Guns are not widely available in England like they are in America. We just don't have those laws but, similarly, we don't seem to need them.
Now I'm not sure if it's just me being naive but while our justice system leaves a lot to be desired - and that's a post for another time - our police don't need to gun people down to be effective. England has one of the lowest gun homicide rates in the world. Because we don't have guns.
The solution to stopping gun crime is not to give more people guns. If there's a shooting in a school, the way to remedy that is not to give the security guards guns or hire more armed security but to take the guns away! I don't see how that's so difficult!
As for racism and racists? I genuinely believe that this is a real flaw in society. Anyone who believes that skin colour has an effect on how a person can work or learn or be a human is flawed beyond measure. Yes, skin colour can define a person. It can be something to be proud of. It can give you an identity, a home, a sense of belonging. Most black people would probably like to be seen as black people, whether that's Nigerian, Jamaican, Caribbean, and so on, much in the same way that white people want to be seen as white people be that English, Irish, American, European.
I'm a white girl, I don't want to be seen for anything other than I am. I have Nigerian family - lots and lots of Nigerian family - they are so incredibly proud of their culture and heritage. I can't imagine it being taken away from them.
Everyone wants to be seen for who they are. They don't want to be pigeon-holed into something that they're not because it fits a viewpoint better. Just in the same way that it's wrong and illogical to discriminate against eye-colour and hair colour, such is it wrong to discriminate where skin colour is involved.
Now I thought, with the election of President Obama, that America was streaking forwards where race issues were concerned but now it feels worse than it has in a long time. People are segregating themselves and others are just letting it happen.
The white, middle-class politician, whether male or female, will never understand issues of race in the same way that a working class black man or woman will. They will never feel racism in the same way, every day of their lives. They will always have the opportunity to walk away. To make it stop. To change. They can support people speaking out against racism but they cannot do it themselves. What they say will never be as powerful as what someone who has lived it will say.
Renisha McBride was murdered, unlawfully. As yet, no justice has been given.
As you may or may not have heard, a young woman was murdered at the beginning of November. Now I know that there are likely many other more pressing news stories and other tragic events and I am, by no means, belittling them. I just simply feel that this news story has a prominent message on our society and the way we think.
Renisha McBride, 19, was shot in the face and killed after a car accident.
What actually occurred here is unclear at the moment. Some reports say that the girl was going door to door asking for help, others say she was trying to get home. Almost all of them point out that she was a black girl in a predominantly white neighbourhood where black people shouldn't be seen after sunset.
That is what I want to talk about.
The shooter claims that he thought that someone was breaking into the house and also that his 12 gauge shotgun 'discharged accidentally'.
Now, setting aside the fact that I find that very hard to believe indeed, I want to talk about the fact that nothing has been done.
The white man that shot Renisha, while he has been spoken to by the police, remains free to go about his life. Surely he should be in custody? Or, at very least, be under house arrest? Or something, anything at all, that isn't just free to go about his day to day, his normal business.
The fact that these towns, districts, counties, exist where people of a certain race, be it black, white, asian, can't be seen after dark for fear of their lives is terrible! It's archaic! It's something that I'd expect to see either in the deep south in the 1930s or in Germany in the 1940s or somewhere in the 3rd World that is ruled by suspicion and superstition. It is most certainly not something that should be happening in America. Or England. Or anywhere for that matter.
I grew up in a fairly rough area. Now 'rough' in England, in the North-East, is starkly different from 'rough' in London, or Libya, or southern America. But all the same, if someone was trying to break into our house, my step-dad had a large stick, sort of like a baseball bat in size, shape and weight, and I know that, on more than one occasion, he has chased someone down the street with it. Guns are not widely available in England like they are in America. We just don't have those laws but, similarly, we don't seem to need them.
Now I'm not sure if it's just me being naive but while our justice system leaves a lot to be desired - and that's a post for another time - our police don't need to gun people down to be effective. England has one of the lowest gun homicide rates in the world. Because we don't have guns.
The solution to stopping gun crime is not to give more people guns. If there's a shooting in a school, the way to remedy that is not to give the security guards guns or hire more armed security but to take the guns away! I don't see how that's so difficult!
As for racism and racists? I genuinely believe that this is a real flaw in society. Anyone who believes that skin colour has an effect on how a person can work or learn or be a human is flawed beyond measure. Yes, skin colour can define a person. It can be something to be proud of. It can give you an identity, a home, a sense of belonging. Most black people would probably like to be seen as black people, whether that's Nigerian, Jamaican, Caribbean, and so on, much in the same way that white people want to be seen as white people be that English, Irish, American, European.
I'm a white girl, I don't want to be seen for anything other than I am. I have Nigerian family - lots and lots of Nigerian family - they are so incredibly proud of their culture and heritage. I can't imagine it being taken away from them.
Everyone wants to be seen for who they are. They don't want to be pigeon-holed into something that they're not because it fits a viewpoint better. Just in the same way that it's wrong and illogical to discriminate against eye-colour and hair colour, such is it wrong to discriminate where skin colour is involved.
Now I thought, with the election of President Obama, that America was streaking forwards where race issues were concerned but now it feels worse than it has in a long time. People are segregating themselves and others are just letting it happen.
The white, middle-class politician, whether male or female, will never understand issues of race in the same way that a working class black man or woman will. They will never feel racism in the same way, every day of their lives. They will always have the opportunity to walk away. To make it stop. To change. They can support people speaking out against racism but they cannot do it themselves. What they say will never be as powerful as what someone who has lived it will say.
Renisha McBride was murdered, unlawfully. As yet, no justice has been given.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Holy Crap!
Evening folks!
I've just had a wonderful revelation as I loaded up my blogger homepage this evening. As of 7.30pm today, I've had 1,005 views on this blog! Now granted that I've had this site nearly a year now, that doesn't really seem like all that many.
However, nearly a quarter of those views have been in the last 30 days.
30 days!
Now that seems like a canny spike to me. It may well be because I've had a link to my site in a obvious place (not Facebook, which I am contemplating, however).
But anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for making this blog a pleasure to write. For showing that people are at least vaguely interested in what I have to say. I'd love some comments that were more substantial than my 'posted to Google+' ones that happen automatically to every blog I post when I post it but not to worry! These things will come in time, I don't doubt.
I'm going to get back to NaNoWriMo now, I've still got a couple of hundred words to write before midnight to keep up with my word total. This is the first time I've managed to pretty much keep up the entire way through the month - I know it's only the 12th but still. That's a big achievement for me!
Thanks again, for being awesome! I'll do a proper post once I've hit 20k in NaNo which should be in a couple of hours.
Until then, au revoir!
I've just had a wonderful revelation as I loaded up my blogger homepage this evening. As of 7.30pm today, I've had 1,005 views on this blog! Now granted that I've had this site nearly a year now, that doesn't really seem like all that many.
However, nearly a quarter of those views have been in the last 30 days.
30 days!
Now that seems like a canny spike to me. It may well be because I've had a link to my site in a obvious place (not Facebook, which I am contemplating, however).
But anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for making this blog a pleasure to write. For showing that people are at least vaguely interested in what I have to say. I'd love some comments that were more substantial than my 'posted to Google+' ones that happen automatically to every blog I post when I post it but not to worry! These things will come in time, I don't doubt.
I'm going to get back to NaNoWriMo now, I've still got a couple of hundred words to write before midnight to keep up with my word total. This is the first time I've managed to pretty much keep up the entire way through the month - I know it's only the 12th but still. That's a big achievement for me!
Thanks again, for being awesome! I'll do a proper post once I've hit 20k in NaNo which should be in a couple of hours.
Until then, au revoir!
Monday, 11 November 2013
Vegetarian Fish n Chips and StayClassy
Now as you may or may not already know, I'm vegetarian. (No, I'm not a member of PETA and, as an organisation, they disgust me).
Now since going veggie 18 months ago, I've found it pretty easy. My partner's vegetarian, so that helps a lot, and before the switch, I never really ate a lot of meat. The only thing that I ever really 'missed' was salmon. I only ever ate salmon maybe once every two months (or less) when we went out for sushi and even then, I'd have maybe one or two pieces of salmon sashimi and that'd be it.
I always ate a lot of fish, when I ate meat but, like I said, it wasn't a big miss. Occasionally I had fish and chips cravings when I passed a chippy but that was it. I always loved battered cod from the chippy and I think I always will think fondly of it, particularly since it was locally and ethically sourced.
However, a while back, like 16 months ago, I discovered vegan fish n chips at Jack Sprats at the top of Chillingham Road. Sadly, Jack Sprats has now closed down but the craving for vegan rich n chips has not gone away. This led me to do a bit of internet trawling until I found these beauties:
Now since going veggie 18 months ago, I've found it pretty easy. My partner's vegetarian, so that helps a lot, and before the switch, I never really ate a lot of meat. The only thing that I ever really 'missed' was salmon. I only ever ate salmon maybe once every two months (or less) when we went out for sushi and even then, I'd have maybe one or two pieces of salmon sashimi and that'd be it.
I always ate a lot of fish, when I ate meat but, like I said, it wasn't a big miss. Occasionally I had fish and chips cravings when I passed a chippy but that was it. I always loved battered cod from the chippy and I think I always will think fondly of it, particularly since it was locally and ethically sourced.
However, a while back, like 16 months ago, I discovered vegan fish n chips at Jack Sprats at the top of Chillingham Road. Sadly, Jack Sprats has now closed down but the craving for vegan rich n chips has not gone away. This led me to do a bit of internet trawling until I found these beauties:
- Vegan Fish n Chips with halloumi
- Vegan Fish n Chips with tofu
- Vegan Fish n Chips also with tofu (and quinoa)
To say that I was excited to try them out would be an understatement. I'm going to buy some tofu tomorrow night and give the second one a try this week. I'll let you know how it goes.
In the meantime, NaNoWriMo's going really well and I'd be honoured if you could take a look at Newcastle's StayClassy page (and maybe even sponsor us too!). The OLL's a great cause, bringing literacy and creative writing to underprivileged communities around the world. So thanks in advance, for perusing it.
I'm going to get back to writing now. Have a nice night/day wherever you are!
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Lament Of The Girl At The Rock Show
This week, the rock and metal scene in Newcastle took two heavy blows.
Trillians Rock Bar, formerly The Man In The Moon, closed down. Permanently. One day it was there and the next, with no warning whatsoever, it was closed. It's parent company went into administration and thusly, the management and all of the staff were made redundant, effective immediately. Of all the pubs and bars in Newcastle, Trillians wasn't the best but it was my favourite.
It was a little shabby, a bit cramped and kind of dark. It didn't serve food anymore and it was a touch expensive on the spirits but it was a rock bar and it was home. It was one of my favourite music venues - tiny, packed gigs every week - and it had the best, worst pub quiz in the world on Sunday nights. I still can't believe that it's gone really - despite it being empty most of the time, I always just thought that it'd last forever. It's the place my mum used to go when she was my age. Everyone seems to have been and loved it there. I have some amazing memories there and it'll always be held in high regard - no matter how shitty it was at times, it was a home away from home.
The other blow was Legends. After I turned eighteen, I spent 102 consecutive weekends there - only missing two, one for illness and one because I was in Germany. Sad, I know, but that's just what my friends and I did. Every Saturday, some Mondays and most Fridays, we went to Legends. We got wasted and danced it out. All our troubles, all our worries, all gone. I made great friends there. I lost great friends there. Importantly, I made great memories. Hundreds of them. I celebrated three of my own birthdays there and only remember two of them. Countless other birthday celebrations were had there too as well as engagement parties, hen dos, stag dos and other miscellaneous dos too. I fell in love there, fell out of love there, got over boys, got into girls. I grew up so much and got to act so much older than I am as well as be irresponsible and stupid, like eighteen year olds are. In the three years I went, I was only sick twice - probably a record for Legends' patrons - once because I'd been spiked earlier in the night and another because I had sunstroke and was dehydrated but didn't really realise it at the time...
Of the two, I think I'm more cut up about Trillians. Legends was my place but ever since Richie lost his job as the Saturday night DJ (because he pretty much played the same shit over and over) it just wasn't the same. It's decline was gradual. Trillians was torn away too soon.
Needless to say, I hope that something replaces them at the very least. Newcastle's rock scene could do with a reboot.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
I Keep Saying I'll Do This Bumf More Regularly...
I do really mean it, each and every time. I will do this more. I can blog more regularly. I do have things worth writing about sort of. Also, I can never remember, but is 'bumf' one f or two?
I realise that four days isn't exactly a long break for me but I still feel like this blogging should be a daily thing - it's not as if I think less about things now than I did a few years ago when I did #postaday on Wordpress! If anything I think more and thus, I shall post more often than I currently do.
Realistically, I think I should aim for two or three posts a week maybe even five posts then I can have two responsibility free days where I can just veg out and play lots of Pokemon X or something... That sounds fairly reasonable but I know I'm going to have to set some sort of phone reminder for this kind of thing - much like I need one for taking my meds, eating, working et cetera. That said, I should probably take my meds now - it's far later than I realised and if I don't take them now, I won't wake up in time for work in the morning.
The other day, Matt got a cold. He was really ill and pretty much couldn't function. He remained steadfast in his opinion that, if I wasn't careful, I'd get his cold/flu/virus or whatever it was. It's been going around so I pretty much expected I would get it sooner or later. I just wish that it hadn't been the day after my gym induction.
Yesterday was my much anticipated induction at Goldstar Gym across the road.Writing it like that makes it cooler because then it's like a Pokemon gym. Because of my meds, I had to go to the doctor's to get a note saying that I was fit to join the gym. When I got my appointment (the first time) it wasn't with my GP or the Dr who sorts my meds, but just with one of the others. He was nice enough but then wanted to charge me £20 for a line and a quarter saying that, yes, I could indeed go to the gym. As it happened, I didn't have my card on me at the time so couldn't pay so couldn't get a note. However, all wasn't lost as I had an appointment with my therapist the next day anyway and she's a certified doctor so I reasoned that she might be able to do it herself. When I mentioned it, she agreed that it'd likely be amazing for me but as she wasn't a medical doctor, she couldn't advise on my ability to go to the gym in regards to my medication. She did however, advise that I either go to one of the doctors at the surgery that I was familiar with and one who was familiar with me and my situation or, at least, get a second opinion as someone else might only charge me £10 or indeed do it for free. I arranged an appointment with the Dr who sorts my medication but missed it (due to my medication, ironically) and ended up having to wait nearly two more weeks to get another appointment. This one, I got through luck and good timing rather than being able to pre-book appointments. It's ridiculous how hard it is to get a doctor's appointment these days! If I want to pre-book, I have to wait over a month sometimes - it's horrendous! Anyway, I'm sure most of you have the same problem so I'm going to stop whining and get on with it. I decided, since it's so hard to get appointments, that with this one, I was going to kill three birds with one stone.
The long and short of it is, I got my note for the gym.
It took about 3 minutes for the 'assessment' from start to finish and the note (a photo of which can be found on my Instagram for which there is a link on the top right of this post). He took my pulse and blood pressure and was like: 'Well, all that seems in order, I think the gym would do you good. Here you go.'
So that was Tuesday morning. I dropped the note off at the gym straightaway, thinking that I'd likely lose it if I took it home, and arranged an induction for the following Friday (which was yesterday).
The induction itself was longer than I expected - nearly 90 minutes from start to finish - but included a set of reps of every exercise (apart from leg raises) and a diet/nutrition plan. I was pretty nervous when I got there but managed the whole thing without making a twat out of myself so I was pretty proud by the end of it. The guy doing it didn't seem overly impressed that I was vegetarian and told me repeatedly (jokingly) that I should get some chicken fillets in me or, at the very least, some cans of tuna. I said that I would try and if I couldn't digest it, I'd stick to tofu, egg whites and cottage cheese. I think I'll stick to the veggie stuff anyway unless I absolutely have to (and I can't see that ever being a thing...)
I'll write more about the gym and fitness et cetera in another post, I'm going to have to draw this one to a close soon - the Mirtazapine's hit me slightly harder and somewhat faster than I anticipated! (Notice: I took my meds, like I have to and said I wouldbut forget to occasionally from time to time yay!) Where was I going with this..? I've completely forgotten... Oh, yes!
So this morning, I woke up with a head full of cold. It was horrendous. And the weather was really grim too - sort of not too cold but rainy and weird.
By the time I got to work, my legs were so stiff from yesterday that I could barely walk and my head was so sore it was difficult to speak. Over the course of the day I haven't really gotten much better. I've taken some cold medication and some paracetamol but it doesn't seem to have helped. My nose is all bunged up and runny as hell and now it's also really sore from wiping it all the time. I've sneezed a few times which clears my head for a few minutes at a time but never longer. Even sinus massages aren't helping - now my eye sockets just feel slightly bruised...
Anyway, it's off to sleep for me now. Hopefully I'll write tomorrow. Maybe it'll be a lament for poor old Trillians...
Nighty night folks!
I realise that four days isn't exactly a long break for me but I still feel like this blogging should be a daily thing - it's not as if I think less about things now than I did a few years ago when I did #postaday on Wordpress! If anything I think more and thus, I shall post more often than I currently do.
Realistically, I think I should aim for two or three posts a week maybe even five posts then I can have two responsibility free days where I can just veg out and play lots of Pokemon X or something... That sounds fairly reasonable but I know I'm going to have to set some sort of phone reminder for this kind of thing - much like I need one for taking my meds, eating, working et cetera. That said, I should probably take my meds now - it's far later than I realised and if I don't take them now, I won't wake up in time for work in the morning.
The other day, Matt got a cold. He was really ill and pretty much couldn't function. He remained steadfast in his opinion that, if I wasn't careful, I'd get his cold/flu/virus or whatever it was. It's been going around so I pretty much expected I would get it sooner or later. I just wish that it hadn't been the day after my gym induction.
Yesterday was my much anticipated induction at Goldstar Gym across the road.
The long and short of it is, I got my note for the gym.
It took about 3 minutes for the 'assessment' from start to finish and the note (a photo of which can be found on my Instagram for which there is a link on the top right of this post). He took my pulse and blood pressure and was like: 'Well, all that seems in order, I think the gym would do you good. Here you go.'
So that was Tuesday morning. I dropped the note off at the gym straightaway, thinking that I'd likely lose it if I took it home, and arranged an induction for the following Friday (which was yesterday).
The induction itself was longer than I expected - nearly 90 minutes from start to finish - but included a set of reps of every exercise (apart from leg raises) and a diet/nutrition plan. I was pretty nervous when I got there but managed the whole thing without making a twat out of myself so I was pretty proud by the end of it. The guy doing it didn't seem overly impressed that I was vegetarian and told me repeatedly (jokingly) that I should get some chicken fillets in me or, at the very least, some cans of tuna. I said that I would try and if I couldn't digest it, I'd stick to tofu, egg whites and cottage cheese. I think I'll stick to the veggie stuff anyway unless I absolutely have to (and I can't see that ever being a thing...)
I'll write more about the gym and fitness et cetera in another post, I'm going to have to draw this one to a close soon - the Mirtazapine's hit me slightly harder and somewhat faster than I anticipated! (Notice: I took my meds, like I have to and said I would
So this morning, I woke up with a head full of cold. It was horrendous. And the weather was really grim too - sort of not too cold but rainy and weird.
By the time I got to work, my legs were so stiff from yesterday that I could barely walk and my head was so sore it was difficult to speak. Over the course of the day I haven't really gotten much better. I've taken some cold medication and some paracetamol but it doesn't seem to have helped. My nose is all bunged up and runny as hell and now it's also really sore from wiping it all the time. I've sneezed a few times which clears my head for a few minutes at a time but never longer. Even sinus massages aren't helping - now my eye sockets just feel slightly bruised...
Anyway, it's off to sleep for me now. Hopefully I'll write tomorrow. Maybe it'll be a lament for poor old Trillians...
Nighty night folks!
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